Saturday 29 December 2012

The big event !

Anime 2030 - History Lessons Continued

The Big Event of 2015

In May of 2015 high over the Pacific ocean there was an explosion, equal to about a 3,360 MT nuclear bomb ( the biggest nuke ever detonated was the 57 MT Russian Tsar bomb in 1961,  which was 3800 times larger than the Hiroshima explosion ) No one knew what had happened. Most scientists thought it was a meteor that had, for some reason, detonated just as it hit Earth’s atmosphere.

An hour later seismic reports, confirmed that something had smashed into the ocean, on or near the tiny island of Minami Iwo; about 1000km north of Guam island, 1300km from Japan, 2000km from China. The direct result of the impact was a sizable tsunami wave.  

With in a few more hours teams form several nations were on their way to investigate the impact site. First in was the American-Japanese team from Guam. What they found was astonishing – an alien space craft about 1000m long 300m wide and 200m tall. ( the largest ship in the world is the Knock Nevis oil tanker at 458m long 68m wide 42m tall ) 

Naturally the first team on site wanted to keep the find for themselves. But there was no way that was going to happen. British-Australians soon arrived, as allies and wanted in. Russians and Chinese were next, although not welcome, they were not about to leave.  There were some very tense moments around the island as ships pointed weapons at each other and fighters circled overhead.

Importantly, dozens of photos of the alien ship, from air and ground, were made public before an info black out was put into place. The existence of the craft would be impossible to deny. Then after much debate a joint team was sent in. No one without top secret clearance knows exactly what was found inside the ship. But in a press conference the next day, it was confirmed that aliens do exist.

Also at the press conference, a halt to hostilities between major powers was declared, and an emergency session of the UN was announced. When asked “Do the aliens pose a danger?” The spokesman Dr Sarnoff, said “We have reason to believe that, if they wanted to, they could blow the earth to bits.”    

Three days later a meeting of the United Nations was held in Tokyo. A report was circulated outlining the findings thus far and their implications. Although the alien ship was not yet considered safe, each nation was allowed to send one delegate to Minami to get a first hand view.

One week later, after much debate, the UN announced the establishment of the Macross Project to investigate the alien ship. Nations would be involved according to the funding and scientific talent they could provide. ( a practical but not very popular policy, it left many ‘third world’ nations out of the loop. )

In simple terms; the crash of the alien ship put an end to WW3 and marked the beginning of humanity’s interstellar relations. Although some people hoped that peace and harmony would be the path forward, the reality was that nations were cooperating under the shadow of a powerful outside danger; alien invasion.

Macross was not a pure science project. It aimed to understand alien technology so that we would have a fighting chance against them. As the years passed, Macross would offer the world more in terms of advanced weapons systems than peaceful personal consumer goods.     

( most but not all powered armor and humanoid mecha come from the Macross research centers )

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