Tuesday 1 January 2013

2015 forward

Anime 2030 History Lesson

Brave New World 2015 forward

The shock of the alien ship crash in May 2015 brought the wars between major powers to a halt, but it did not solve all the world’s problems. It did not even stop the fighting in some places (mostly in Africa), where locals paid no attention to the news. It did form a solid basis for cooperation; a classic ‘us vs them’ situation. If the Earth did not prepare we would have no hope at all of defending ourselves against the aliens.

The United Nations meetings shortly after the crash proved one thing very clearly; there would be no ‘one world -new order- government’. The events of the past several years had driven most nations to prefer increased sovereignty over the surrender of control that integration required. Although some leaders talked about unification as the most efficient way to build a better Earth, the majority of people were against the idea.

In North America the former USA was still not quite done with its civil war, which had essentially been about resisting the tyranny of a central government. The Constitutionalist States were not about to give up a single inch of autonomy to the UN, although they did volunteer to help in the Macross Project.

The cooperation of nations in regards to Earth’s defense would largely be an ad-hoc affair. This became clear as the UN debated how the research of the alien ship was to be conducted. The Macross Project was in fact not a unified effort, but rather a sharing of resources by nations willing to donate them. Each nation was given access to the ship and allowed to peruse its own investigations; with the amount of liberty being determined by the value of its donation and the willingness of its researchers to share information.

The tiny island of Minami, where the ship crashed, became the filed lab and several nearby islands were turned into larger research and testing facilities. No alien artifacts were allowed to leave the area with out extensive red tape. Above is Iwo Island, 50km north of Minami, as it appeared before construction of the Macross labs began in 2016. The air field dates back to WW2 and was modernized to accept heavy lift air craft.

Needless to say security around the entire area was tight. 

Youth Revolution

 Part of the global chaos during the 2010 to 2015 period was the popular uprising of a youth movement, especially in Europe and North America, also to a significant degree in South America and Russia. The revolution can best be understood in terms of generational responsibility. The previous few generations, made a mess of the planet and ran up huge national debts, excepting the future generations to fix the problems and pay the bills. “Our children will not be slaves to your debts.” was the rally cry in many universities.

Anger against corporations - seen as thieves, and against governments – seen as incompetent or in bed with the thieves, boiled over into the bloody riots of 2013.

 In some nations governments were toppled violently, in most countries the leaders remained in power long enough to call for elections. Elections they were sure to lose. Some long time politicians simply did not want to participate, they did not want responsibility of dealing with the WW3 situation.  So by 2015, a large number of nations had leaders who were under 30 and idealistic. They were determined to make changes and not willing to let red tape stand in their way. Almost all countries negated their own debts and restructured their banking systems.  

One of the biggest results of the laws enacted by the youth governments to fix the problems they had been left with, was to limit the power of corporations. The free market in some regards was dead. If an international business wanted access to a nation's market it had to meet certain conditions. Naturally the mega-corps were not happy about this and they spent a great deal of effort over the next few years to push things back into the old system, which had been very advantageous to them. 

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