Thursday 24 January 2013

The Monster Murders

AKA the Psycho Killer’s Triple Strikes 

Public Info.
Over the past year there has been some 48 murders linked together under the heading “Psycho Killings” because all fit a general pattern of gruesome deaths. No normal reasons for these crimes have been found. Nor is there any connection between the victims. However the murders often happen in a pattern, with three people in a neighborhood being killed on three consecutive nights. 

Thus far no neighborhood has been hit more than once. The time between triple strikes seems to be random, between 6 to 24 days.

At first it seemed to be a connection to the full moon, but many attacks have happened outside that narrow window of time. Evidence from a few eye witnesses who found bodies gave rise to the Monster Murders as a title for the events, because of the claw marks on the victims and some times the nearby area.

People have tended to panic if one such event happens in their neighborhood. As they expect two more deaths to follow rapidly. This is something of a problem because the Triple Strike pattern is not absolute. Some murders are stand alone and may be the work of a copy cat killer.

Police Info.
The Monster Murders actually date back three years, but have been happening with increasing frequency. The total deaths are closer to 80 than to 50. Early on, there was one killing near the full moon and one similar in style but randomly timed, almost every month. They were spread out over the entire greater Osaka area, so no connection was made right away. Investigators eventually came to suspect that the murders did take place each month, but sometimes the bodies were not discovered.

Evidence suggests some sort of beast, or psycho pretending to be one. The theory of a lunatic with a werewolf delusion has been popular with the police and with the press. However as the number of deaths increased, investigators began to suspect it was more than one individual. A cult was the new working theory. Although the victims were not killed in a ritual manner, similarities between deaths (missing body parts) can point in that direction.

One year ago a special squad was created to deal with the case. They have been carefully managing what info is made public, in the hope of avoiding general panic and of catching the suspected killers. At lest one lone copy cat murderer is known to exist because his pattern is different in its details. Based mostly on speculative timing some 8 missing persons are believed to be victims of the Monster Murders.   

Occult Club Info.
The werewolf theory seems to be correct in the case of the full moon murders. Not all were wolves hunt and kill each full moon, but some do. The fact that the number of lunar timed killings has gone up tends to support the idea that more werewolves are involved. Perhaps a pack has been formed. The taking of bits of victims is not unusual. However the idea of a cult connection may also be valid. The wolves may be building a following of human minions. In a speculated worse case situation the wolves may be working with an evil wizard who does need the missing body parts for some ritual.   

But there is another set of murders going on, which are not connected to the werewolves, despite the superficial facts. These are more troubling because the creature(s) behind them are unknown. They seem to imitate the style of the other murders to hide their own nature.

The critical pattern that emerges when you strip off the wolf attacks and the copy cat killings, and then plot the murders by time reviles that each year they begin in Nara and move outward. ( This was the clue that the Club was following up on when it vanished during the spring brake. )

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