Thursday 3 January 2013

Regional Updates 02


In 2016 President Vladimir Putin, fully endorsed the popular aristocracy movement that was sweeping over Europe. He declared himself king and gave out titles to loyal supporters. The very next year he was assassinated and the Second Russian Revolution began. ( exactly 100 years after the 1917 revolution )

 From 2017 to 2019 there was civil war in Russia. Several factions fought for control of the entire nation, while many other groups wanted local independence. By the time the fighting was done, Russia existed only as the area west of the Ural Mountains. The area from the Urals east to the Yenisey River and over to Lake Baikal, became Free Siberia. The area south east of the Stanovor Mountains including Sakhalin Island became Khabarov. The rest of the north east was ignored.

Although some people lamented the brake up of the biggest country in the world, others saw the new states are more manageable. Ironically once the revolution was over Russia did hold elections for its king and for its parliament too. Their new constitution specified the monarch, who would serve a life time term, be elected from the working class and no older than 30. There would be no hereditary lineage. 

In terms of the space program it was contained entirely in down sized Russia, but the majority of the Macross Project related work was located in what was now Khabarov. So for a few years there was a great deal of tension between the two as negotiations went forward. Eventually Khabarov started its own space program, in cooperation with China and japan. 


Most of the nations here hardly noticed the Big Event of 2015. They continued to fight amongst themselves. Even in the best situations, where a nation had settled its disputes, there was little effort to set foot on the world stage. Locals would build up the local infrastructure and economy first. Outside nations continued to avoid the continent, reasoning that it was time to stop meddling. Of course European navies patrolled the Mediterranean and Atlantic to safe guard trade.  

 South Africa was a stable exception to the general chaos. In fact it did very well after 2015, as international trade resumed. With war still going on in the Middle East, no ships wanted to brave the Suez Canal, so trade from Europe to Asia often went around ‘the horn’ just as it had in the old days.

South America

Things went well after the OLSA union was established in late 2015, in light of the Big Event. While talks had been about a conventional system of alliance to protect member states from outside abuses, after the alien ship crash, a new section was quickly added that outlined a space defense program.

From a sociological point events in South America were going counter to the rest of the world. They were coming together with increased centralization while most regions and some nations were fragmenting into decentralized entities. The story of OLAS is perhaps the greatest modern success. The quality of life for the average person was greatly improved and the average level of technology went up dramatically, while in many parts of the world both factors declined.

From 2016 to 2020 there was a boom of activity, infrastructure building and modernization. A great deal of witch was to be the foundation of the continental defence system, useable against human and alien enemies. The Macross Project was another sizable expense, with the space program slowly creeping up. Its best to launch space craft from the equator and so two major launch bases were built: in Ecuador near Quito and in Brazil near Macapa. A smaller base was built as a joint venture between Columbia and Venezuela near the boarder town of Ayacucho. ( red dots on map )

In 2022 the OLAS launched the first mission to Mars, two years ahead of the rest of the world. 

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